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Self Love

Weight Gain

The level of praise you receive when you lose weight will be the level of shame you feel when you gain weight again in the future, and that's a fact. How many of you have revelled in compliments and praise about your body when you lost weight? And how many…

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confident girl with flowers


Have you ever wanted to create a significant shift in your life by engaging in positive habits, and regardless of how good you know these habits are, you still manage to resort back to your old ways in less than three working days? I do this with working out more…

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young girl with body confidence

I wish I could love myself

Have you ever said or thought the above statement? I hear it so much much in my direct messages, the comments section of my posts, and from the women who I work with. The truth is, wishing you could love yourself isn’t like wishing you could win the euro millions, or wishing…

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