THE GLOW UP GRATITUDE JOURNALHave you ever spent hours looking in the mirror thinking, ‘If I could change this and shrink that, then I will be happier'? Or, fallen into a social media vortex comparing yourself to other women’s ‘perfect’ bodies, just wishing that you could look less like you and more like them? Or, had your whole day ruined by one bad photo that somebody tagged you in from a night out?

THE GLOW UP GRATITUDE JOURNALBetween Reality TV stars who shoot to fame for their flawless looks and ‘insta famous’ bloggers who are so picture-perfect that it seems unfair to the rest of us, It’s no surprise that it’s getting harder and harder for us to like the way that we look. Only 1 in 5 women in the UK feels confident in her body. The weight loss industry is worth 4.3 billion and the cosmetic surgery industry is at an all-time high of 9.6 billion in the UK alone. Four out of five women are on or in-between diets at any given time, and over half of teenage girls have explored some form of weight loss trend.
The Real Glow Up
So, since we have access to more resources then ever to achieve the ‘dream bod’, why are the cases of low body image and self-esteem skyrocketing to new highs?
Is it because they just haven’t nailed the perfect product to allow us to mould our image into the desired outcome? Or are we looking in all of the wrong places to finally find the body acceptance and self love that we have always been looking for?
Finding body confidence is less about trying to reshape your body and more about reshaping your mind. The real glow up is an inside job. Which, yes, might be more difficult and time-consuming than popping in to see your nearest surgeon, but once you’ve nailed it, the guarantee will last a lifetime, and you will finally feel free from those body image hang-ups.
This journal is going to provide you with a toolbox of practical techniques that you can use over and over again to help you deal with anything that the body image demons want to throw your way. It will help you view your body in a completely different light, learn to start ‘biggin’ yourself up’, and begin to own yourself in all of your glory. Most of all, it is going to teach you the power of daily gratitude- because while achieving the ‘perfect body’ might give you a short spike of happiness, a grateful heart provides you with happiness to last a lifetime.
This is not a quick fix, It’s going to require a daily commitment and an openness to change, but the glow up is worth it – are you ready?

Glow Up Queens
“Everything you’re doing so far Vic has been wonderful and I always come away from each session feeling better about myself, like I’ve unlocked another part of myself that I’ve kept away. I’m understanding my habits and what I want to achieve which is something I’ve struggled to do for a long time. I’m so appreciative of everything you’re doing and can only wish I’d signed up sooner!! So thank you, you’re a star and a wonderful person and role model.”
“I have gained so much enjoyment and knowledge from each session, I’ve felt I’ve taken different things from each session and there’s always a sense of contentment and achievement I’ve gotten from them. I especially like that it’s not too formal, everyone is so supportive, and Vic feels like a coach/friend/sister/supporter all in one.”

For every woman who feels they’re being called to embody their worth and become the most powerful, unapologetic version of themselves…