We’ve been conditioned to see vulnerability as weakness. But vulnerability is the biggest strength of all. Vulnerability is the only way to get to know our authentic selves. It opens up our paths to growth and gives us the courage to fight the need to please others. Vulnerability is having the courage to let ourselves be here, even when the fear of rejection, judgement and abandonment is present. Being more vulnerable isn’t only the first step in huge personal growth, buts it’s the beginning of a life changing experience.
- Vulnerability isn’t just sharing your struggles and insecurities on social media.
- It’s initiating sex with a partner or asking a new friend if she wants to hang out.
- Its expressing how it hurt when you didn’t get the invite.
- It is telling your dad you’re struggling with money.
- It’s owning up to saying or doing something wrong.
- It’s wearing a bikini on the beach or starting a new hobby.
- It’s replying to ‘How are you?’ texts with ‘I’m finding things tough’.
- It’s sharing a new idea for the first time or practicing your work presentation in front of you loved ones.
- Vulnerability is knowing you could get rejected, judged or abanonded at any moment but proceeding to show your messy, human self regardless.